Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Elf on the shelf 2013 week 3

We are having so much fun withour little  mischievous elf Bob Twinkles!  This week he is really outdoing himself...  

Day 14: oh oh, someone needs to clean their room!

Day 15: this one was amazing!! Bob set up his own profile on the kids xbox (twinkletoez2012) and then proceeded to play minecraft! He made a whole new world and called it the north Pole! It even had his home which was a little ski lodge!! Matty was blown away!

Day 16: my hubby took the kids to see the Hobbit yesterday so today we found Bob with the one ring and surrounded by elves from the movie! I think this means he's the new elf king!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

FREE Elf on the shelf Minecraft Printable & Tutorial

Minecraft is a really popular game and so is Elf on the Shelf so I decided to merge the 2.  I found the images for the creeper, Steve and the diamond ax using Google search and resized them to fit our elf.  I thought it would be nice to share the file I made with other Mom's and Dad's out there!  It's formatted to an 8.5x 11 sheet of paper and includes the instructions.  The Steve face had a small pink border which I just cut off except for around the little side tabs I created.  You can kind of see them in my picture. The tabs just made it easier to tape onto the elf.

To see more of my elf on the shelf fun click here: Elf on the Shelf 2013 week 1

Elf on the shelf 2013 week 2

It's week 2 of our little elfs adventures!  The kids are really enjoying looking for Bob Twinkles around the house every morning! On Day 8 he was getting a quick workout in to prepare him for all the toys he'll be lifting on Christmas eve.  Good think Frosty was there t spot him!

Day 9:  We finally decorated our tree but hadn't put the star on.  Thank goodness for Bob who did the honors!

Day 10: Bob hid 6 candy canes around the house for the kids to find.  Here are just a few of the hiding spots...

Day 11:  If your boys are anything like mine, they are completely addicted to playing Minecraft!  Well apparently so is Bob Twinkles!!  We found him doing a little cosplay!  I have posted the FREE printable I made for this here: Free Elf on the Shelf Minecraft printable

Day 12: Bob Twinkles got into the shaving cream and left a message for the boys on the mirror.  What a messy elf!

Day 13: Bob was in our cereal box! I had no idea he was one of the rice crispy elves!

Day 14: yikes! Bob asked the littles to clean their room!

Did you miss week 1?  You can find it here: week 1

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Elf on the shelf 2013 week 1

We are so excited to have Bob Twinkles back in our home! On day one he brought us a North Pole breakfast to celebrate his return.  He even brought all the kids Christmas cups!

On day 2 he had clearly watched us put up the tree last night so he decided he needed one of his own. He made this one from Lego's he found around the house! 

Day 3:  Bob Twinkles spent some time looking at the ads and circling some good deals.

Day 4:  It was my oldest son's 17th birthday and we found Bob hanging out in his room with a balloon and Happy Birthday wishes.  How sweet!

Day 5:  Bob made a candy cane swing.  Guess he saw how much fun the little's have on theirs.

Day 6:  Oh boy.  Looks like Bob got himself into a jam in the cupboard!  Stuck in a cup....Yikes!

Day 7:  Bob brought a little yearbook full of pictures from last years elf fun! He was originally supposed to bring this on day 1 but he was a bit lazy to get it started.  ;)

For week 2 of our elf fun check here: Elf on the Shelf 2013 week 2